module.exports = Stories var qs = require('querystring') var debug = require('debug')('snapchat:stories') var async = require('async') var Promise = require('bluebird') var constants = require('../lib/constants') var Request = require('../lib/request') var StringUtils = require('../lib/string-utils') var SKBlob = require('../models/blob') var StoryUpdater = require('../models/story-updater') var SharedStoryDescription = require('../models/shared-story-description') /** * Snapchat wrapper for story-related API calls. * * @class * @param {Object} opts */ function Stories (client, opts) { var self = this if (!(self instanceof Stories)) return new Stories(client, opts) if (!opts) opts = {} self.client = client } /** * Posts a story with the given options. * * @param {Blob} blob The Blob object containing the image or video data to send. * @param {StoryOptions} opts The options for the story to post. * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.postStory = function (blob, opts, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Stories.postStory') self._uploadStory(blob, function (err, mediaID) { if (err) { debug('Snapchat.Stories.postStory error %s', err) return reject(err) }, { 'caption_text_display': opts.text, 'story_timestamp': StringUtils.timestamp(), 'type': blob.isImage ? constants.MediaKind.Image : constants.MediaKind.Video, 'media_id': mediaID, 'client_id': mediaID, 'time': opts.timer | 0, 'username': self.client.username, 'camera_front_facing': opts.cameraFrontFacing, 'my_story': 'true', 'zipped': 0, 'shared_ids': '{}' }, function (err, result) { if (err) { debug('Snapchat.Stories.postStory error %s', err) return reject(err) } else if (result) { return resolve(result) } return reject(new Error('Snapchat.Stories.postStory parse error')) }) }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Downloads media for a story. * * @param {Story} story The story to download. * @param {function} cb SKBlob */ Stories.prototype.loadStoryBlob = function (story, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Stories.loadStoryBlob (%s)', story.identifier) function blobHandler (err, body) { if (err) { debug('Snapchat.Stories.loadStoryBlob error %s', err) return reject(err) } SKBlob.initWithStoryData(body, story, function (err, blob) { if (err) { return reject(err) } return resolve(blob) }) } if (story.needsAuth) { var url = constants.endpoints.stories.authBlob + story.mediaIdentifier, { 'story_id': story.mediaIdentifier, 'username': self.client.username }, self.client.googleAuthToken, self.client.authToken, blobHandler) } else { var baseIgnorePattern = new RegExp(constants.core.baseList.join('|')) self.client.get(story.mediaURL.replace(baseIgnorePattern, ''), blobHandler) } }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Downloads the thumbnail for a story. * * @param story The story whose thumbnail you wish to download. * @param {function} cb SKBlob */ Stories.prototype.loadStoryThumbnailBlob = function (story, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Stories.loadStoryThumbnailBlob (%s)', story.identifier) self.client.get(constants.endpoints.stories.thumb + story.mediaIdentifier, function (err, body) { if (err) { debug('Snapchat.Stories.loadStoryThumbnailBlob error %s', err) return reject(err) } SKBlob.initWithStoryData(body, story, function (err, blob) { if (err) { return reject(err) } return resolve(blob) }) }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Batch loads media for a set of stories. * * @param {Array<Story>} stories An array of Story objects whose media you wish to download. * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.loadStories = function (stories, cb) { debug('Stories.loadStories (%d)', stories.length) return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var results = { loaded: [ ], failed: [ ], errors: [ ] } async.eachLimit(stories, 4, function (story, cb) { story.load(function (err) { if (err) { results.failed.push(story) results.errors.push(err) } else { results.loaded.push(story) } return cb(err) }) }, function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err) } return resolve(results) }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Deletes a story of yours. * * @param {UserStory} story * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.deleteStory = function (story, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Stories.deleteStory (%s)', story.identifier), { 'story_id': story.identifier, 'username': self.client.username }, function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err) } var index = self.client.session.userStories.indexOf(story) if (index >= 0) { self.client.session.userStories.splice(index, 1) } return resolve() }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Marks a set of stories as opened. * * @param {Array<StoryUpdater>} stories An array of StoryUpdater objects. * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.markStoriesViewed = function (stories, cb) { var self = this debug('Stories.markStoriesViewed (%d)', stories.length) var friendStories = (update) { return { 'id': update.storyID, 'screenshot_count': update.screenshotCount, 'timestamp': update.timestamp } }) return, { 'username': self.client.username, 'friend_stories': JSON.stringify(friendStories) }, cb) } /** * Marks a single story opened. * To batch mark stories viewed, use markStoriesViewed * * @param {Story} story The story to mark as opened. * @param {number} sscount The number of times the story was screenshotted. * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.markStoryViewed = function (story, sscount, cb) { var self = this debug('Stories.markStoryViewed (%s)', story.identifier) return self.markStoriesViewed([ new StoryUpdater(story.identifier, StringUtils.timestamp(), sscount) ], cb) } /** * Hides a shared story from the story feed. * * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.hideSharedStory = function (story, cb) { var self = this debug('Stories.hideSharedStory (%s)', story.identifier) return, { 'friend': story.username, 'hide': 'true', 'username': self.client.username }, cb) } /** * Does nothing if the story is not a shared story. * * @param {Story} sharedStory A shared story. * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.provideSharedDescription = function (sharedStory, cb) { var self = this debug('Stories.provideSharedDescription (%s)', sharedStory.identifier) if (!sharedStory.shared) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Snapchat.Stories.provideSharedDescription error')).nodeify(cb) } return, { 'shared_id': sharedStory.identifier, 'username': self.client.username }, cb) } /** * Retrieves the description for a shared story. * * @param sharedStory A shared story. * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype.getSharedDescriptionForStory = function (sharedStory, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Stories.getSharedDescriptionForStory (%s)', sharedStory.identifier) if (!sharedStory.sharedStoryIdentifier) { return reject(new Error('Snapchat.Stories.getSharedDescriptionForStory error invalid story')) } var endpoint = constants.endpoints.sharedDescription + '?' + qs.stringify({ 'ln': 'en', 'shared_id': sharedStory.sharedStoryIdentifier }) self.client.get(endpoint, function (err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (result) { return resolve(new SharedStoryDescription(result)) } return reject(new Error('Snapchat.Stories.getSharedDescriptionForStory parse error')) }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Uploads a new story associated with the given blob. * * @private * @param {SKBlob} blob * @param {function} cb */ Stories.prototype._uploadStory = function (blob, cb) { var self = this var uuid = StringUtils.mediaIdentifer(self.client.username) var params = { 'media_id': uuid, 'type': blob.isImage ? constants.MediaKind.Image : constants.MediaKind.Video, 'data':, 'zipped': 0, 'features_map': '{}', 'username': self.client.username } var headers = { } headers[constants.headers.clientAuthToken] = 'Bearer ' + self.client.googleAuthToken headers[constants.headers.contentType] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + constants.core.boundary return Request.postCustom(constants.endpoints.stories.upload, params, headers, self.client.authToken, cb) }