module.exports = Chat var debug = require('debug')('snapchat:chat') var async = require('async') var extend = require('xtend') var Promise = require('bluebird') var constants = require('../lib/constants') var StringUtils = require('../lib/string-utils') var Conversation = require('../models/conversation') /** * Snapchat wrapper for chat-related API calls. * * @class * @param {Object} opts */ function Chat (client, opts) { var self = this if (!(self instanceof Chat)) return new Chat(client, opts) if (!opts) opts = {} self.client = client } /** * Sends the typing notification to the given users. * * @param {Array<string>} recipients An array of username strings. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.sendTypingToUsers = function (recipients, cb) { var self = this debug('Chat.sendTypingToUsers') return self._sendTyping(recipients, cb) } /** * Sends the typing notification to a single user. * * @param {string} username * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.sendTypingToUser = function (username, cb) { var self = this debug('Chat.sendTypingToUser (%s)', username) return self._sendTyping([ username ], cb) } /** * Marks all chat messages in a conversation as read. * * @TODO currently not working * @param {Conversation} conversation * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.markRead = function (conversation, cb) { var self = this debug('Chat.markRead (%s)', conversation.identifier) return self.client.sendEvents([ { 'eventName': 'CHAT_TEXT_VIEWED', 'params': { 'id': conversation.identifier }, 'ts': StringUtils.timestamp() | 0 } ], null, cb) } /** * Retrieves the conversation auth mac and payload for a conversation with username. * * @param {string} username * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.conversationAuth = function (username, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.conversationAuth (%s)', username) var cid = StringUtils.SCIdentifier(self.client.username, username), { 'username': self.client.username, 'conversation_id': cid }, function (err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (result) { result = result['messaging_auth'] if (result && result['mac'] && result['payload']) { return resolve(result) } return reject(new Error('Chat.conversationAuth parse error')) } }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Retrieves the conversation with \e username. * * @param {string} username * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.conversationWithUser = function (username, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.conversationWithUser (%s)', username) self.conversationsWithUsers([ username ], function (err, results) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else { return resolve(results.conversations[0]) } }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Fetches the conversations for all users in \e usernames * * @param {Array<string>} usernames * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.conversationsWithUsers = function (usernames, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.conversationsWithUsers (%j)', usernames) var results = { conversations: [ ], failed: [ ], errors: [ ] } var messages = [ ] async.eachLimit(usernames, 4, function (username, cb) { self.conversationAuth(username, function (err, auth) { if (err) { results.failed.push(username) results.errors.push(err) return cb(err) } else { var identifier = StringUtils.uniqueIdentifer() var header = { 'auth': auth, 'to': [ username ], 'conv_id': StringUtils.SCIdentifier(self.client.username, username), 'from': self.client.username, 'conn_sequence_number': 0 } var first = { 'presences': { }, 'receiving_video': false, 'supports_here': true, 'header': header, 'retried': false, 'id': identifier, 'type': 'presence' } first.presences[self.client.username] = true first.presences[username] = false var header2 = extend(header, { 'conv_id': StringUtils.SCIdentifier(username, self.client.username) }) var second = { 'presences': { }, 'receiving_video': false, 'supports_here': true, 'header': header2, 'retried': false, 'id': identifier, 'type': 'presence' } second.presences[self.client.username] = true second.presences[username] = false messages.push(first) messages.push(second) return cb(null) } }) }, function () {, { 'auth_token': self.client.authToken, 'messages': JSON.stringify(messages), 'username': self.client.username }, function (err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (result) { if (result.conversations) { results.conversations = (convo) { return new Conversation(convo) }) return resolve(results) } else { debug('Chat.conversationsWithUsers parse error %j', result) } } return reject(new Error('Chat.conversationsWithUsers parse error')) }) }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Clears the conversation with the given identifier. * * @param {string} identifier The identifier of the conversation to clear. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.clearConversationWithIdentifier = function (identifier, cb) { var self = this debug('Chat.clearConversationWithIdentifier (%s)', identifier) return, { 'conversation_id': identifier, 'username': self.client.username }, cb) } /** * Clears the entire feed. * * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.clearFeed = function (cb) { var self = this debug('Chat.clearFeed') return, { 'username': self.client.username }, cb) } /** * Sends a message \e message to \e username. * * @param {string} message The message to send. * @param {Array<string>} username The username of the recipient. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.sendMessage = function (message, username, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.sendMessage ("%s", %s)', message, username) self.sendMessageToUsers(message, [ username ], function (err, results) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (!results.conversations.length) { return reject(new Error('Chat.conversationWithUser error')) } else { return resolve(results.conversations[0]) } }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Sends a message \e message to each user in \e usernames. * * @TODO: what to do if message fails to send * * @param {string} message The message to send. * @param {Array<string>} usernames An array of username strings as recipients. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.sendMessageToUsers = function (message, usernames, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.sendMessageToUsers ("%s", %j)', message, usernames) var results = { conversations: [ ], failed: [ ], errors: [ ] } self.conversationsWithUsers(usernames, function (err, convoResults) { if (err) { return reject(err) } results.failed = convoResults.failed results.errors = convoResults.errors var messages = (convo) { var identifier = StringUtils.uniqueIdentifer() var sequenceNum = convo.state['conversation_state'] sequenceNum = sequenceNum && sequenceNum['user_sequences'] sequenceNum = sequenceNum && sequenceNum[self.client.username] sequenceNum = sequenceNum | 0 var header = { 'auth': convo.messagingAuth, 'to': [ convo.recipient ], 'from': self.client.username, // 'conn_sequence_number': 1, 'conn_sequ_num': 1, 'conv_id': convo.identifier } return { 'body': { 'type': 'text', 'text': message }, 'chat_message_id': identifier, 'seq_num': sequenceNum + 1, 'timestamp': StringUtils.timestamp(), 'retried': false, 'id': identifier, 'type': 'chat_message', 'header': header } }) if (!messages.length) { debug('Chat.sendMessageToUsers error retrieving conversations') return reject(new Error('Chat.sendMessageToUsers error retrieving conversations')) } else {, { 'auth_token': self.client.authToken, 'messages': JSON.stringify(messages), 'username': self.client.username }, function (err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (result) { if (result.conversations && result.conversations) { results.conversations = (convo) { return new Conversation(convo) }) return resolve(results) } else { debug('Chat.sendMessageToUsers parse error %j', result) } } return reject(new Error('Chat.sendMessageToUsers parse error')) }) } }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Loads another page of conversations in the feed after the given conversation. * * This method will update client.session.conversations accordingly. * * @param {Conversation} conversation The conversation after which to load more conversations. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.loadConversationsAfter = function (conversation, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.loadConversationsAfter') if (!conversation || !conversation.pagination || !conversation.pagination.length) { return resolve([ ]) }, { 'username': self.client.username, 'checksum': StringUtils.md5HashToHex(self.client.username), 'offset': conversation.pagination }, function (err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (result) { result = result['conversations_response'] if (result) { var conversations = (result) { var convo = new Conversation(result) self.client.session.conversations.push(convo) return convo }) return resolve(conversations) } return reject(new Error('Chat.loadConversationsAfter parse error')) } }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Loads all conversations into the current session. * * This method will update client.session.conversations accordingly. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.loadAllConversations = function (cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.loadAllConversations') self.client.updateSession(function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err) } var conversations = [ ] var last = self.client.session.conversations[self.client.session.conversations.length - 1] function loadPage () { self.loadConversationsAfter(last, function (err, convos) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (convos.length > 0) { conversations = conversations.concat(convos) last = convos[convos.length - 1] return loadPage() } conversations.forEach(function (convo) { self.client.session.conversations.push(convo) }) return resolve(conversations) }) } loadPage() }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Loads more messages after the given message or cash transaction. * * @param {Transaction|Message} messageOrTransaction any object conforming to Pagination \b EXCEPT AN \C Conversation. * @warning Do not pass an Conversation object to messageOrTransaction. Doing so will throw an exception. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.loadMessagesAfterPagination = function (messageOrTransaction, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.loadMessagesAfterPagination') if (messageOrTransaction instanceof Conversation || !messageOrTransaction.conversationIdentifier) { return reject(new Error('Chat.loadMessagesAfterPagination invalid param')) } if (!messageOrTransaction || !messageOrTransaction.pagination || !messageOrTransaction.pagination.length) { return resolve() }, { 'username': self.client.username, 'conversation_id': messageOrTransaction.conversationIdentifier, 'offset': messageOrTransaction.pagination }, function (err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (result && result.conversation) { return resolve(new Conversation(result.conversation)) } return reject(new Error('Chat.loadConversationsAfter parse error')) }) }).nodeify(cb) } /** * Loads all messages in the given thread and adds them to that Conversation object. * * @param {Conversation} conversation The conversation to load completely. * @param {function} cb */ Chat.prototype.loadFullConversation = function (conversation, cb) { var self = this return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { debug('Chat.loadFullConversation') var last = conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1] function loadPage () { self.loadMessagesAfterPagination(last, function (err, convo) { if (err) { return reject(err) } else if (convo) { last = convo.messages[convo.messages.length - 1] conversation.addMessagesFromConversation(convo) return loadPage() } return resolve() }) } loadPage() }).nodeify(cb) } /** * @private */ Chat.prototype._sendTyping = function (recipients, cb) { var self = this return, { 'recipient_usernames': JSON.stringify(recipients), 'username': self.client.username }, cb) }